Dear Parents and Carers,

I would like to offer you a very warm welcome back to school. 

I hope you have all had a wonderful summer break.  The children have returned to school full of enthusiasm to be back with their friends and to get stuck into their learning and it is great to feel the buzz of their excitement throughout the school.

A particularly warm welcome to our new children, families and staff.  I have been so impressed with how well everyone has settled into the new routines.  It was lovely to speak to some of our new parents on Thursday after drop off and fantastic that so many of you have offered to help the PTFA  fundraising efforts.  Thank you!  Mr Narramore and Miss Halloway have already made a positive mark on our school staff cohort and are full of lots of exciting and fresh ideas to support the children's learning and enrichment.

I am very excited that we can offer our wrap around Breakfast and After School clubs.  We have had quite a lot of discussions regarding the viability of this.  To this end, we will offer the After School Club in half hour slots until 4.30pm which will hopefully ensure that we can continue to offer this. 

We have lots of exciting plans for this term.  We are looking forward to inviting authors Andrew Powell - Thomas (back to work with year 6 on their history project) and Giles King Smith (son of Dick King Smith) into school.  We also have Theatre group Mossy Crow coming in to do workshops and a performance for the children and KS1 will be going on a trip to Tiverton Museum later in the term, not forgetting a visit from the Dogs Trust again.  Can't wait!


Please see below the attendance percentages for each class, calculated from the beginning of the term up to and including 8th Feburary 2024.

Hedgehog Class 97.5%
Squirrel Class 90.9%
Fox Class 97.3% 
Stag Class 93.2%



Breakfast Club

A reminder that breakfast club can be booked via the school app and is open every day of the week from 8 am.


After School Clubs


Choir Club run by Mr Narramore for KS1 & KS2  - Book via school app


No Clubs


PE skills and drill run by Mr McCutcheon - Book via school app


No Clubs


Woodland School run by Mrs Newman R, KS1, KS - Book via school app
  • Look out for emails and the next newsletter for all upcoming events
Results coming soon

Here are this week’s Times Table Rockstars, Superstars! We would like everyone to celebrate our top scorers and those who have made amazing efforts. All staff have been so impressed with children’s enthusiasm and determination to improve their times tables knowledge. If your child’s name is mentioned in the newsletter, then there is a 3 house point reward! Your child has a Times Table Rockstar login, which can be used at home too.

Good luck everyone!

Fieldmice and Hedgehog Class:

The children have made an amazing start to the year, coming in very settled and no tears saying good-bye!  The children who are new to school have been made to feel very welcome and look like they have been here for a long time already.  We have enjoyed exploring the inside and outside of school and are very excited to start phonics next week.


Squirrel Class:

have come back to school after a long break full of curiosity and motivation. We have been getting to know each other by playing parachute games and doing some team games in P.E. We have been so impressed with how they all have listened carefully to instructions and shown respect to each other. In art we have been collecting natural objects like the artist Alice


Fox Class:

I am delighted to share that Fox Class has settled in beautifully over the last couple of days! It's been a joy watching our new Year 4 students lend a helping hand to the Year 3s, ensuring everyone feels right at home. The atmosphere has been buzzing with excitement, especially as the children have met our class gerbils, Digger and Sneaky. Their enthusiasm is infectious! I’m really looking forward to diving deep into our learning adventures next week. Thank you for your continued support as we embark on this exciting journey together!


Stag Class:

In Stag class we have had a lovely time getting to know each other and getting started on our work for the year. We have now completed our art project where we have looked at packaging design. After exploring typographies, colour and pattern, we started designing and building a two sided chocolate box, one aimed at adults and the other towards children. We are looking forward to the weeks ahead where we will start looking at place value in maths and reading Shackleton's Journey in English. We are also excited to welcome Andrew Powell-Thomas who will be helping us with our Bampton Remembers project.


Charlie in Hedgehog Class

Charlie is growing in confidence every day. He is always eager to learn. In phonics, he is joining in with enthusiasm and in class discussions he always puts his hand up to share his ideas.

Well done Charlie!

Lauryn In Hedgehog Class

Lauryn has shown the character virtue of creativity in her incredible pattern work this week. Lauryn has created beautiful wrapping paper with a repeating pattern using felt tips and printed 2D shapes.


Verity in Squirrel Class

Verity is celebrated this week for her character virtues of kindness and determination.  Verity makes the most of every minute that she is in school. She always works hard and has great empathy for others. In after-school clubs, Verity is focused whilst still having fun. We are very lucky to have Verity in Squirrel class, and she is a fantastic role model.

Ronnie B in Squirrel Class

Ron has shown the character virtue of determination in Maths this week.He has been working independently on place value and showing kindness by helping other children with their work.


Well done, Ron!


Cassie in Fox Class

Cassie has demonstrated the character virtues of curiosity and initiative. She has completed, independently, a superb and detailed story and a newspaper about everything that is happening in Bampton School. Cassie adds great vocabulary to her writing and thinks of the needs of the reader. What a fantastic skill to have!

Charlie in Fox class

For showing the character virtues of helpfulness and curiosity. Charlie asks insightful and thoughtful questions. He is always curious to know more and has a zest for learning. Without being asked to, Charlie helps others and shows what a kind and thoughtful boy he is. Well done, Charlie!


John in Stag Class

John showed  the character virtues of citizenship and friendliness whilst many of the rest of his year group were on transition days. John is always ready to help both adults and children alike. He is incredibly polite and hard working and never fails to try his best at everything.


All Stag Class for behaving so well on residential, trying everything with enthusiasm and making new friends.

Well done Everybody


The PTFA is made up of parents, carers, teachers, and friends of Bampton School with a shared interest in raising funds for equipment, resources, and activities to enhance the children’s learning experience.

We meet monthly to discuss how we as a school community can develop and improve school facilities and students’ opportunities, through planning fundraising events such as Bingo events, the Christmas Community Evening, Easter Extravaganza etc.

We welcome new and old members and are hoping for more support in the coming months.

If you can help in any way, or would like more information on the work we do then please contact or look out for meeting dates on the school website, posters around the school or for notes in your child’s book bag.

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